So yesterday was an epic fail relatively speaking.
Ok, I’m not so sure if “epic” would be the term to best describe it – since there was nothing really life-changing or earth-shattering. But the sheer number of fails probably puts it at epic proportions 😉 Read More
I came across this article which was supposed to be pitting the 8 of the more popular in-ear headphones against each other.
Naturally, I felt compelled to re-post it – if only for the reason that my IE-40s1 Which is basically an OEM UE Triple-Fi rebranded under M-Audio came out on top (yay!) – what’s more is that my backup pair (Etymotic Research ER-4P) took the 3rd spot 🙂
The only thing I’m curious about is why they chose to compare the lower-end Shure SE420 instead of the SE530. Also, I would’ve wanted them to include the Westone 3. The two last mentioned, IMHO, were the real competition to the Triple-Fi.
2009’s been a blast. I recall listing down four major “projects” I had intended to accomplish – with no particular timeframe. It was the investment on a new car, a bicycle, replacing my speakersystem, and a new DSLR.
I was pleased to realize I got 3/4! The DSLR is no biggie; since the “model” I’m waiting for [thankfully] hasn’t arrived yet. I’m techincally waiting for the successor of the D700 – which I’m pretty sure will have video. Then that would fulfill my want for a full-frame, video capable DSLR. Once I have that body, I think I can start investing on lenses 1 Assuming I have the extra cash, and nothing better to spend on
All in all, I was already set for the year as far as what-have-you-got-to-show-for-2009 went 2 In fact, I doubt I’d be able to match it… as it was a year of expense for me – which I don’t want to make a habit out of the moment I got one of those four. I’m extremely grateful to the powers that be that I was able to get even more… and the last few months of the year proved to be a blast, as I was fortunate enough to get even more toys and gadgets! Below are just a few of them which I got just this december. Read More
I could consider my Genelec system an [early] christmas gift for myself. It’s a pair of 8030A monitors matched with a 7050B subwoofer.
Actually, I already had the 8030s since late October and didn’t plan on getting a sub as the 8030s could stand on their own. But since the stocks for the sub were arriving December, I had time to think about 1 And more importantly, save up for considering getting the sub. So I guess the sub is really the Christmas gift in that context
However, there is one more toy arriving which will complement the system, and which I’m most excited about. It’s the JBL MSC-1 monitor system controller.
For the record, I always believed that even in the face of total injustice, a man should take the high road when going against a woman; because God knows the latter would do shit like that naturally… at least most of the time at least (and this is provable fact btw). Sure, I do confide in a select few (and only if they ask) and I guess the furthest I’d go (unless publicly challenged) would be to write a song about it. Even then, I’d always make it a point keep the villain’s identity anonymous to the general public out of courtesy (even if they totally don’t deserve it) 1 Well, that and I want the music to be relevant to a broader audience, something which is impossible if you put an actual name on the song
In context of relationships, 99% of the time, it’s really the men that have less to lose when shit hits the fan. I guess this is why the whole “hell hath no fury than a woman scorned” adage exists in the first place; and those “screwed” (no pun intended) women resort to slander – practically cuz it’s the only [legal] thing they could do to get some semblance of retribution.
But, I respectfully submit, that Hell, in fact, hath fury… even more than a woman scorned – it just seldom reveals itself. And guess who’s capable of delivering such fury; damn right, it’s us men. And here’s a sample of how a no-holds-barred mutt-fit (bitch-fit for men) could go down… brought to you by Mr. no-holds-barred himself: EMINEM.
I have to admit that I did get a kick out of Eminem’s single “The Warning” simply because it shows exactly how destructive we men can be if we throw whatever courtesy we have left to the wind (and start acting like “women scorned” ourselves)