A cop worthy of Hollywood

Ok this article deserves its own, individual post space:


Amazing – makes me want to cheer for the kidnapper. For him to be shot in the head, fall 5 stories down, and still live, those kids must be the offspring of some corrupt communists (in hiding?).

Bummer that you could see the [super]cop’s “harness,” would’ve been great if he used his l33t kung-fu balance. Or jump from the left, across the kidnapper’s window, shoot him between the eyes once, then grab on to a rope on the other side, where he rappels down in anticipation of the fall so he could cuff the Villain (which is possible cuz apparently, the kidnapper didn’t die)

And, if I might add, the blog has a fairly decent looking template. It’s a public livejournal account… so for those people who’s blogs look like shit – THERE’S NO EXCUSE!

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