“Lollipop Creatives gallery”
That was a schweeet weekend! Too bad it was an overnight thing. Everyone wished they could’ve stayed longer.
Check out the beach pics in the Gallery
Make sure to check out Nono’s pics too at his site: http://www.nonofelipe.com
“Canon EOS 300D / Digital Rebel”
“OP/TECH USA Pro strap”
We went to a place called Balai sa Laiya. A nice, cozy resort in the middle of nowhere. Why you ask? You know you’re close when you’ve been driving up and down a 2KM dirt road. And when you actually get there, you’ll be thinking “I wonder if this road still leads somewhere?”
But as I said, it was an excellent resort. Cheap, good food, fun, did I say good food?
Started from the previous post. We met at Shell Magallanes, then proceed the highway. I will not pretend to know where the hell we passed as I was just following the lead car. Anyways, we hit the Star Tollway which is a smooth 25km stretch. I was given the liberty to go ahead and wait at the end, where I proceeded to break every traiffic rule known to man. Too bad I could only get up to 170kp/h since cars suddenly appear in front of me when I reach that speed. After we drove [I think] in batangas, passing bridges and finally hitting the dirt road from hell. We got to the beach, deposided our stuff in our rooms, and went straight to sea.
I can’t begin to describe how the water felt like. It was sublime. It was like a cooled down, switched off, heated pool. Of course the sun was biting, but the water was divine. Most of us got out early to have themselves tanned (I got out simply cuz my eyes we’re beginning to hurt from the water). Those of us who fear the sun (myself included) ran to the nearest hut/shade.
This is where I really got to test my spankin’ new EOS 300D. And kept on taking pictures till lunch, then dinner, till the bonfire at 9:00pm. I forget what time we actually slept . . . but who cares!?
The next morning [right after breakfast] we hit the sea again! I borrowed Nono’s snorkeling gear and proceeded to try finding the lens cap he lost yesterday just for fun (little did I know it was still there!). Amazing that the tides didn’t take it far into the sea.
After lunch was checkout time =( and everyone reluctantly got into their cars and proceeded to drive back to Manila
God was certainly telling us that we should’ve stayed longer as the trip back was absolute hell. Apparently, there was a procession on a major road where almost everybody from anywhere in the Philippines was passing. I don’t know about you guys, but for me NO BELIEF OR RELIGION has any f(*&ing right to excercise whatever ritual, festival, whatever, when you clearly see that you will be making the lives of other people (who dont give a hoot about what you belive in) miserable. It’s simple respect; you can do whatever you want provided that you’re not trampling on other people’s concerns. These idiots were keeping people away from home so that they could just play their rusted instruments and crowd the streets!
Anyways, because of that everybody got hungry (and needed to pee) enough for the whole group to agree that we should eat in the area. Which was a consolation, since we ended up eating at Leslie’s (a good restaurant)
The traffic had died down by that time… just hope those bastard processionists had died with it (half-meant joke). And as everyone went their separate ways home, aside from some setbacks, we all went home smiling and eager for another trip.
I also got a new strap for my camera =) Very nice indeed.